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Progress Report Guidelines

The Joseph Drown Foundation is pleased to have made a grant to your organization and looks forward to receiving a summary of your progress. We have report guidelines for two types of grants:  Operating Support and Program Support.  Please limit your report to four pages or less and include the answers to the questions below in your report as well as any additional information that would be essential to report your progress.


Progress reports are due at the same deadlines as proposals: January 15th, April 15th, July 15th and October 15th.  If you are eligible, a new application can be submitted at the same time as the report. 


Please submit the report via our online portal.  You must use the same log in information you used to submit the original application.  Once you are logged in, go under the In Progress tab.  There you will see a line item that says "Progress Report" in the Phase column.  Click on View and that will take you to the report page where you can upload the document.


Should you have any questions, please contact Grants Program and Office Assistant, Anamaria Alarcón at

Operating Support

1)  Please give an overview of what your organization has accomplished over the past year.  What services have you provided?  What has your impact been on the communities you serve?  How many people have benefited from your work?


2)  Although this was a grant for operating support, if possible indicate how the funds were actually used.  If the entire grant has not been expended, please explain the proposed usage of the unexpended amount.


3)  Did this grant assist your organization in leveraging funds from other sources?  If yes, please explain.

Program Support

1)  Please give a brief overview of the project.  Did the project differ in execution from the program presented in the proposal?  If so, how?  To what extent have the objectives of the project been realized?  If the project has not been completed, what is the anticipated completion date?


2)  What do you consider to be the most important result(s) thus far?


3)  Has there been any organizational change such as an increase or decrease in programming, changes in personnel, changes in program priorities, etc.?  If so, please explain.


4)  How were the funds from this grant actually used -- demonstrate by providing an itemized budget.  If the entire grant has not been expended, please explain proposed usage of the unexpended amount.  If the grant provided only partial funding, please indicate any additional source(s) of funds.


5)  Did this grant assist your organization in leveraging funds from other sources?  If yes, please explain.

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